Once you have created the TOC you have options to update it, or export it as a separate document in PDF. Voila a hyperlinked, automatically generated paginated table of contents will be inserted into your document. Once those decisions have been made click “ok” and then decided where you want the Table of Contents to be (first page, after the cover page, etc.).

Use the settings to choose how it looks and how many levels deep to display. Toward the bottom of the options that appear click to create a “Table of Contents”. Once you have created your bookmarks in Nuance PowerPDF Advanced, with the bookmarks view opened click on the wrench icon in the Bookmarks tools menu.
Lawyers may want to also generate a hyperlinked and printable table of contents, and Nuance’s PowerPDF Advanced will easily create a hyperlinked table of contents from the PDF bookmarks you create. However, there are many times where the source documents have no table of contents or several documents are combined into a single PDF.

Microsoft Word Styles can also be used to generate a table of contents in the originating Word document and in the PDF version of the original document. You can add bookmarks manually by selecting text in the document and press keys to add that text as a bookmark, or you can also have either program recognize Microsoft Word’s Styles and automatically add headers and subheaders as bookmarks. TOCBuilder is an Adobe® Acrobat plug-in that allows you to: create a Table of Contents for your PDF document. Whether you are using Adobe Acrobat or Nuance Power Converter Pro, the process to create bookmarks is nearly identical. Automatically Create a PDF Table of Contents in a PDF file Mapsoft TOCBuilder plugin for Adobe® Acrobat® Combine the advantages of both a printed and linked digital Table of Contents (TOC) that PDF bookmarks cant provide. They also lets the document creator highlight areas for readers to “jump” to without having to page through the document. Once you hover over a line in the table of contents, the cursor will change to a hand, allowing you click on the line to jump to that page within the document.Bookmarks in a PDF are very helpful for readers to navigate to different sections of a document. As I find myself spending more time using my netbook as an eBook reader, these are. Your PDF will now have a clickable table of ‘Bookmark’ using the various headings. Make sure that Bookmarks is enabled>View>Show/Hide>Navigation Panes>Tick Bookmarks. If you open your PDF using Acrobat Reader the side bar will have a Clickable Table of Contents. Once again, this isn’t an amazing, breakthrough feature, but it is a small thing that can make Adobe Reader a little nicer. Click the Options Button>Tick ‘Create Bookmarks using Headings. A click Back click, and I’m back where I started.